How To Stop Overthinking | 5 Most Powerful Ways To Stop Overthinking

How do you stop overthinking? In this article, we're going to share five of the best ways that have worked most effectively, so these are really proven ways, and they're also things that most people overlook.

1. Places

Go To Cool-Calm Places

The first tip, and this is something that doesn't actually require you to do anything, is that you have to go to a positive place. It could be a temple, a mosque, a beautiful walk in nature, an inspiring view of the sunset or sunrise, go somewhere positive, go out of the physical location and be inspired by a new environment and some new surroundings. How much of your town or city have you actually explored? Have you been to all of the parks? Have you been on all of the natural trails? Because when we are in nature, we are affected by nature and reminded that we are a force of nature. 

We are not disconnected from those things, but we are interconnected with the world around us, and by just putting yourself in these positive places, your mood is instantly lifted.

2. Triggers

Reduce Negative Triggers

Number two, and this doesn't involve doing anything either, but just looking around in your environment and in your life and blocking out negative people. What is the reason you're overthinking? What is the cause of that anxiety? Is it a particular relationship? Is it something that has happened to you? What are the triggers around you? If it's your weight and you're not happy with how your body looks, get rid of all the junk food in your house. Don't keep packets of potato chips, glasses of coke, or any other junk food on your desk. Get rid of it, hide it away, put it away. 

If it's a particular person that you're speaking to and that's causing you to worry and overthink, delete their number from your phone, even if it's just for a little while, but reduce the negative triggers and you'll immediately see that you'll ascend higher and higher.

3. Books

Read Or Listen To Books.

Number three, you could borrow the mind and the thinking of someone far more positive. What would you say if I told you that you could do it anytime, anywhere for a couple of dollars or even for free? I'm talking about books. As soon as I wake up, my alarm is set to an audiobook so I can hear the thoughts of people like Michelle Obama, David Goggins, and others who have written amazing books on mastering your mindset. If you want any change in your life, you have to read or listen to these kinds of books. Because you get all the experiences that Arthur gets in his whole life, and these things change your mindset, and you will be able to see the world in a different way. 

So pay attention to reading or listening to books.

4. Exercise

Do Exercise Daily.

Number four, exercise. There are so many benefits, but one of the biggest is that it depletes the level of cortisol in your body, so that you have more dopamine rushing around your system when you're running every single day, when you're swimming every single day, when you're doing any kind of physical activity, you move from the mind to the body. You're not focusing on thinking. You're focusing on the next pass in that game of soccer; you're focusing on the next lap while holding your breath underwater. Your mind has to focus on something else, and so if you're overthinking and you're getting stressed out, you will face many difficulties. 

But a really easy way to reduce stress is to exercise every single day.

5. Sleep

Sleep Is The Most Important Thing

Number five, sleep. How much sleep do you get? Are you sleeping six hours, seven hours, or how much sleep do you need? If you want to find out how much sleep you need, I have a really good rule, a rule of thumb. This is a really good test, and it may scare some of you. Go to bed without an alarm, and maybe you have to do this on the weekends. In short, how you sleep, when you're alert and when you're not alert, all have an impact on your genetics, so figure out what your pattern is, what your rhythm is, and how much sleep you require. For me, I know I need seven and a half to eight hours of sleep every single day for a week. Therefore, go to bed without an alarm clock and see how much sleep your body really needs. 

And you will find out your sleep pattern by doing this. 

Bonus Tip

Final Thoughts

You may not have people to call on, you may not have access to books, and you may not be able to do all of these things every time, but one thing I know you can do right now is get your thoughts down on paper and just capture them like fish. At least you will not worry about them again and again. You might not be able to afford a coach, you might not be able to work with the greatest mentor, but you can write things down and you can coach yourself, you can guide yourself to find your own answers, so there you have it all. 

Now tell me in the comments what you think.

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