Top 10 Strongest Animals List | World's Strongest Animals

The lion is the king of the jungle, but is it the strongest animal in the world? No, it isn't. Do you know what the strongest animal in the world is? It is not an elephant or a lion; it is a very small creature. It's quite surprising, actually, so in this article, let's take a look at 10 of the world's strongest animals. Some of these will shock you. Alright, let's begin.


10. Elephant

If you're watching school elephants, giants in both size and power, they can lift up to nine tons, which is the same as 130 humans. We all know that elephants are strong. 


9. Grizzly bear

So let's move forward to the grizzly bear in terms of pure strength. These bears can lift up to 500 kilograms. When this animal is angry, it can beat any animal. These animals are quite aggressive, especially when their babies are attacked. 

8. Tiger

Tigers are lethal creatures and the largest members of the cat family. They can carry up to twice their body weight. These animals can even defeat lions.


7. Gorilla

A gorilla can lift about 2 000 kg, as heavy as 30 humans, mind you, over 10 times their body weight. In fact, an adult male gorilla is 15 to 20 times stronger than us humans.

6. Ox

An ox can carry approximately 900 kg. The ox is considered a symbol of strength and determination. It is also referred to as a bullock.

5. Eagle

An eagle, while not quite an animal, counts. The eagle is the strongest bird, able to lift about four times its body weight. Also, because of its sharp eyesight, it can spot its prey from a very long distance.

4. Anaconda

It is the heaviest and longest snake species. The size of the prey does not matter to an anaconda. It can swallow the prey whole, no matter its size.

All right, now here comes the juicy part. You might have expected numbers three, two, and one to be something like, "I don't know." lions, wolves, or heck, even dinosaurs. But these are going to surprise you.

3. Ants

Ants are very powerful. We have the leaf cutter ants, and these tiny ants can lift and carry something like 50 times in their jaws, their own body weight. I want to know how impressive that is. It's the same as a human lifting a truck with their teeth. That's quite impressive.

2. Rhinoceros

Rhinoceros beetle Again, a small one. These beetles can lift something 850 times their own weight. Once again, an example: if humans had their strength. Then we would be able to lift a 65-tonne object. Want one more example? If an elephant had its strength, then it would be able to carry 850 more elephants on its back. This is quite absurd.

1. Dung Beetle

The dung beetle is not only the world's strongest insect but also the world's strongest animal. Mind you, it's compared to body weight. These animals can pull 1141 times their own body weight. Want an example? That's the same as an average person pulling six double-decker buses full of people. Well, remind me to never mess with these creatures. Anyway, that is all for the article. Please share your thoughts. 

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